Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sun in Taurus in Aquarius 4th house.April 21st-May 21st

With the sun in Taurus in Aquarius' 4th  house for the end of April on through most of May Nature is telling Aquarius it's time to focus on the value of nurturing.The value of nurturing their selves and the value of nurturing others.Focusing on home and family values.Building up their homes and home life to be strong.

 When the sign of Taurus is in the 4th house it sends focus to the value of nurturing.The beneficial results nurturing produces.Meaning taking care of one's self and or taking care of others.When you think of nurturing you are thinking of making something stronger.Fortification.So the Universe is saying to Aquarius in order to remain valuable and wealthy you must take good care of yourself as well as care for your family and home.Aquarius are always on the move and all things that generate lots of activity need lots of rest and relaxation to restore their strength.This whole month with the sun in aries in your 3rd house you've been very mentally active.This transit is a time to slow down and restore your strength for the next round.